Adding new team members, teachers and staff

A step by step walkthrough on how to add new team members to your account and assign them the right permissions.

Stefan avatar
Written by Stefan
Updated over a week ago

To add a new team member, teacher or staff member to your account just follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your account

  2. Click on your name in the top right hand corner of the screen and select Account Settings

3. Scroll down to the 'Team members' section and select 'New team member'

4. On the following page you can add the new team member. A password is only required if you choose the 'Allow this team member to login' option.

5. Choose from one of 4 access levels. Selecting each access level will display a description of each level and its associated permissions. 

6. Once you are done select 'Create team member' and you are done. 

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