Archiving customer records

This article will guide you through archiving an individual student, or a group of students.

Nathan avatar
Written by Nathan
Updated over a week ago

When a customer leaves your organisation, you may want to keep their details in case you need to contact them in the future to tell them about special offers, new classes or address outstanding payments.

For ease of administration, it's good to keep these customers separate from your active students and convert them to an archived student.

Archiving a student will not delete their existing paid invoices or enrolment history, therefore archiving is an ideal way to maintain a student's record. If you want to email them occasionally after they have left, you will still have all of their details.

The guide below details two methods:
-How to archive students in bulk

Archiving students in bulk

As students leave over time, you may have found that you have a backlog of students on the active students list that need to be archived. This handy tool will not only save you time, but it can save you money on your membermeister subscription too, ensuring that you are the correct payment plan based on the number of truly active students.

Identifying un-enrolled students to be archived

The quickest way to find un-enrolled students is to use our handy ready-made report in Students and Classes report suite.

Go to the Reports tab and Select Students and Classes.

Click on the report entitled Students not in classes.

A report will be generated that lists all students that are currently un-enrolled.

Before proceeding, we would advise you take a thorough look at the list of names, just to make sure you are happy for all those students to be archived. When ready, click the red Archive button at the top of the page.

Options when archiving students

You will have a few options on how the system will handle current student enrolments, associated parent records and any draft invoices.

Classes and Waiting lists: If you tick either of these options, you will remove all students from any classes, and/or any waiting lists they are currently enrolled in.

Note: Students enrolments in any previous finished classes will be unaffected.

Invoices: You have the option to delete any draft invoices associated with any of the students selected.

Note: Any previously paid invoices will be unaffected.

Parents: Finally, you have the option to archive associated parent records.

There are few things to note here:

  • The system will automatically archive a parent, should the child be an only child (i.e. does not a have sibling in membermeister)

  • If the system detects that the student does have a sibling, but the sibling is not being archived as part of this action, then we are unable to archive the parent.

  • However if the all siblings of a family are in the list to be archived, then the system works its magic and will archive the entire family for you.

Archiving an individual student

To archive a single student, first locate them on the Students Overview and click on their name.

Once in their profile, click More in the top-right corner and select Archive at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

The next window will provide you with a number of options whilst archiving a student. You will have the option to remove the student from any currently enrolled classes or waiting lists, delete any unpaid invoices and archive their parents (if they have any).

Here are few notes about these archiving options:

  • When removing students from classes you have you have the option to remove them from the entire class (including past lessons), remove them from only the remaining lessons of each class or keep them enrolled in their current classes.

  • If you have already generated invoices for this student that are unpaid and which may not get paid (for example because they have now decided to drop out) it will allow you to remove these invoices at the same time.

  • You are able to specify what happens to parent records that are attached to a student. You can archive parent records associated with the student record at the same time as archiving the student. Please keep in mind that the system will not allow you to archive a parent if the student has any siblings.

We hope you found this article helpful. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the support team who will be more than happy to help.

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